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Ben's Hilarious Life

Living with Illness – Interview in Irish Independent

There’s a new interview with me in the Indo – check it out!

The piece by Lorraine Courtney covers such topics as my book, Two in a Million, and the award-winning short film based on the book. We also chatted about how the arts can inform healthcare.

I was contacted by Lorraine after she read my piece on ArtsandHealth.ie.

Here’s an excerpt from the piece:

Fanconi anaemia is a rare genetic disorder that affects two or three people in a million. It causes bone marrow failure and low blood counts, leading to low energy and increased risk of injury and infection. FA patients have a higher risk of contracting cancers, and the average life expectancy is only 29.


At 16, Murnane had a bone marrow transplant. His book, a memoir of living with FA entitled ‘Two In A Million’, is both a coming-of-age tale and a stark account of spending large chunks of your time sick… In striking a remarkable balance between offering a memoir of life with a chronic illness and a memoir of a life simply lived, Murnane has fulfilled his lifelong dream to write – and to write well.

Read the rest here!


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